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1st Dose Instruction: FAQ

I received my e-mail to fill out a form and set an appointment time.  Now what?

Great!  You were chosen from our waiting list to get vaccinated.  You have 24hrs to fill out the form attached to the email.  It is our prescreen and questionnaire form for eligibility and personal information. 

You will be required to have your:

  • Driver's License or other government issued ID

  • Medicare ID (MOST IMPORTANT)

    • Red, White, and Blue Card that feels like a card board​

    • 11-characters long with a combination of alpha-numeric characters

  • Other Insurance Card​


These info is required to submit a form.  We advise someone who maybe tech-savvy to help with this process.  That is why we are giving 24-hrs to fill out the form.  


It helps to save a PDF of the finished form onto your smart phone or print out the form because it may have an appointment time on it.  

what to do on day of vaccination?

  • Bring your photo ID, Medicare or other insurance card and your printed pre-screen and questionnaire form to the clinic.  

  • Please be sure to fill out all forms from the email and be sure to read all the items from the email including EUD and V-Safe.  

  • Please dress appropriately.  Wear short-sleeves preferably.  You will be getting vaccinated in front of other people as there is no private room.  We do upwards of 20-30 vaccinations every 20 minutes.  So please dress appropriately.  

  • We also ask to be patient and come only at your appointment time.  There is not much room and there is no waiting area.  To practice social distancing, we ask that you remain in your vehicle until your appointment time or when your appointment time is announced to walk in.  

  • DO NOT CONGREGATE AT THE FRONT DOOR.  We are preventing lines from building in the front.  If you have an appointment, you will get vaccinated.  We reserve the doses for you.  


  • Our extra doses are reserved for patients on the waiting list.  They will be notified to be ready a day before to for possible 1st dose.  

1st dose clinic site

Our first dose clinic site will usually be at the West Sand Lake Fire House located at:  


3697 NY 43

West Sand Lake, New York 12196


It is the white building with a parking lot on the side.  Entrance to the building is located to the back of the building.  Please park on the side lot.  

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